Steam is expanded from 800 F and 250 psia to 5 psia through an 85% efficient turbine. What is the enthalpy of the steam?
ANSWER: Since T=800 F > Tcritical, the initial steam is superheated. Enthalpy and entropy at this stage is obtained by:
PHASE: Superheated Steam
Given T800 P250
Find H, H=1423.4082 (T=800 P=250)
S, S=1.7405 (T=800 P=250)
If the expansion is isentropic (100% efficient), then the enthalpy at the end of the expansion can be found:
PHASE: Water-Steam Mix
Given P5 S1.7405
Find H, H=1066.5264 (P=5 S=1.7405)
The energy extracted by the ideal turbine is:
H1-H2=1423.4082-1066.5264=356.8818 Btu/lbm
The energy extracted by the real turbine is:
85% (H1-H2)=0.85*356.8818=303.3495 Btu/lbm
The final enthalpy is:
H1-303.3495=1120.0587 Btu/lbm
A boiler feed pump increases the pressure of 15 psia 100 F water to 180 psia. What is the final water temperature if the pump has an isentropic efficiency of 80%?
PHASE: Compressed Water
Given T100 P15
Find H, H=68.0360 (T=100 P=15)
S, S=0.1295 (T=100 P=15)
If the compression is isentropic (100% efficient), then the enthalpy at the end of compression can be found:
PHASE: Compressed Water
Given P180 S0.1295
Find H, H=68.5101 (P=180 S=0.1295)
The energy added to the water by the ideal pump is:
H2-H1=68.5101-68.0360=0.4741 Btu/lbm
Since the pump is not 100% efficient, not all of the 0.4741 Btu/lbm enthalpy increase goes into raising the pressure. Therefore more energy must be added to the water:
(H2-H1)/80% =0.4741/0.8=0.5926 Btu/lbm
The final enthalpy is:
H1+0.5926=68.6286 Btu/lbm
The final temperature can be found:
PHASE: Compressed Water
Given P180 H68.6286
Find T, T=100.1576 (P=180 H=68.6286)
End of Advanced Problems.
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