The properties of compressed water T, P, V, U, H, S can be found by Steamulator if any one pair of the following properties is given:
(T, P), (T, V), (T, U), (T, H), (T, S), (P, V), (P, U), (P, H), (P, S).
Note: Pairs (V, U), (V, H), (V, S), (U, H), (U, S), (H, S) are not implemented in this version of Steamulator for compressed water.
The order of the two inputs in a pair is irrelevant.
The following properties of saturated water can be found by Steamulator:
T, P, Vf, Uf, Hf, Sf, Vfg, Ufg, Hfg, Sfg
If one of the following properties is given:
T, P, Vf, Uf, Hf, Sf
The following properties of water-steam mixture can be found by Steamulator: T, P, X, V, U, H, S, Vf, Uf, Hf, Sf, Vfg, Ufg, Hfg, Sfg, Vg, Ug, Hg, Sg,
If any one pair of the following properties is given:
(T, X), (T, V), (T, U), (T, H), (T, S), (P, X), (P, V), (P, U), (P, H), (P, S), (X, V), (X, U), (X, H), (X, S), (V, U), (V, H), (V, S), (U, H), (U, S), (H, S).
Note: the saturated temperature and pressure are not independent, these two can not be used together to form an input pair.
The order of the two inputs in a pair is irrelevant..
The following properties can be found by Steamulator for saturated steam:
T, P, Vg, Ug, Hg, Sg, Vfg, Ufg, Hfg, Sfg
If any one of the following is given:
T, P, Vg, Ug, Hg, Sg
The properties of superheated steam T, P, V, U, H, S can be found by the Steamulator, if any one pair of the following properties is given:
(T, P), (T, V), (T, U), (T, H), (T, S), (P, V), (P, U), (P, H), (P, S), (V, U), (V, H), (V, S), (H, S).
Again the order of the two inputs in a pair is irrelevant.
Input pairs (U, H) and (U S) are not implemented in this version of Steamulator.
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