Find pressure in “psia” for a saturated water with a saturated temperature of 185 F.
PHASE: Sat. Wtr
Given T185
Find P P=8.3837 (T=185)
Find temperature in “C” for a saturated water with a saturated pressure of 0.1 MPa.
PHASE: Sat. Wtr
Given P0.1
Find T T=99.6316 (P=0.1)
Find properties in the “US” unit system for a saturated water with a specific volume of 0.025 ft3/lbm.
PHASE: Sat. Wtr
Given Vf0.025
Find T T=625.7965 (Vf=0.025)
P P=1862.8378 (Vf=0.025)
Uf Uf=647.3467 (Vf=0.025)
Hf Hf=655.9647 (Vf=0.025)
Sf Sf=0.8483 (Vf=0.025)
Vfg Vfg=0.183493 (Vf=0.025)
Ufg Ufg=428.9312 (Vf=0.025)
Hfg Hfg=492.1846 (Vf=0.025)
Sfg Sfg=0.4534 (Vf=0.025)
Find T in “C” and P in “in Hg” for a saturated water with a specific internal energy of 500 Btu/lbm.
PHASE: Sat. Wtr
UNITS: Custom Temperature: select C, Pressure select in Hg
Given Uf500
Find T T=266.9557 (Uf=500)
Find P P=1549.8119 (Uf=500)
Find temperature in “F” for a saturated water with a specific enthalpy of 0.1 kW-hr/lbm.
PHASE: Sat. Wtr
UNITS: Custom Temperature: select F, Specific Energy: select kW-hr/lbm
Given Hf0.1
Find T T=368.4026 (Hf=0.1)
Find temperature in “C” and specific volume in “cm3/g” for a saturated water with a specific entropy of 1.3 J/g-K.
PHASE: Sat. Wtr
Given Sf1.3
Find T T=99.3921 (Sf=1.3)
Find Vf Vf=1.043232 (Sf=1.3)
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