
STEAMULATOR, an innovative steam property calculator steam properties

Water-Steam Mixture Examples, Page 2

Given (P, V)

Find specific enthalpy and specific entropy in the “US” unit system and quality of a steam with a specific volume of 5 ft3/lbm at a pressure of 30 psia.

PHASE: Water-Steam Mix


Given P30 V5

Find H, H=562.0616 (P=30 V=5)

S, S=0.8515 (P=30 V=5)

X, X=0.3630 (P=30 V=5)

Given (P, U)

Find specific enthalpy and specific entropy in the “US” unit system and quality for a steam with a specific internal energy of 800 Btu/lbm at pressure of 75 psia.

PHASE: Water-Steam Mix


Given U800 P75

Find H, H=851.2864 (U=800 P=75)

S, S=1.1952 (U=800 P=75)

X, X=0.6344 (U=800 P=75)

Given (P, H)

Find T in “F” and X for a steam with a specific enthalpy of 1000 Btu/lbm at a pressure of 25 psia.

PHASE: Water-Steam Mix


Given P25 H1000

Find T, T=240.0714 (P=25 H=1000)

X, X=0.8313 (P=25 H=1000)

Given (P, S)

Find T in “F” and X for a steam with a specific entropy of 1.5 Btu/lbm-R and a pressure of 50 psia.

PHASE: Water-Steam Mix


Given P50 S1.5

Find T, T=281.0155 (P=50 S=1.5)

X, X=0.8728 (P=50 S=1.5)

Given (X, V)

Find T, P, H, S in the “US” unit system for a wet steam of 95% quality and a specific volume of 2 ft3/lbm.

PHASE: Water-Steam Mix


Given X0.95 V2

Find T, T=389.1153 (X=0.95 V=2)

P, P=218.0531 (X=0.95 V=2)

H, H=1157.6618 (X=0.95 V=2)

S, S=1.4889 (X=0.95 V=2)

Given (X, U)

Find T, P, H and S in the “US” unit system for a wet steam of 35% quality and 500 Btu/lbm specific internal energy.

PHASE: Water-Steam Mix


Given X0.35 U500

Find T, T=219.6668 (X=0.35 U=500)

P, P=17.0760 (X=0.35 U=500)

H, H=525.7902 (X=0.35 U=500)

S, S=0.8210 (X=0.35 U=500)
